CONTENT IS KING: The hats, the dress … and the story behind the spectacle

Three hours of watching “the event” – Will and Kate getting married – left me cold.  But when it came to dissecting the story behind the spectacle, I couldn’t get enough. What does the wedding mean for the future of the monarchy?  Will this modern couple be chafed by the confines of a traditional institution?

For public relations professionals, it serves as an important reminder about helping clients produce relevant content for their intended audience.  In essence, as Queen (the band not the reigning monarch) said, “I want it all, and I want it now:” If you can’t give the audience what they want, and in the most efficient way, they’ll find someone who will.

B2B public relations professionals now have a champion in the form of search engine behemoth Google to make the case to clients that producing relevant Web site content – and not just lots of it – is taking center stage.  Google’s Farmer Update – a ranking algorithm that dilutes search results from content farms – now recognizes and rewards those Web sites that produce relevant content and have taken the time to think about how to most effectively reach their audience.

Given that PR and marketing strategies for B2B firms live or die on the quality of their content, it’s imperative to undertake an audit of your website NOW to determine if your firm is a candidate for a search engine ranking readjustment.  To get you started …

  1. BIG PICTURE: Read this excellent article in the May issue of Website magazine on the Farmer Update, an overview of the content farm “controversy” and some broad tips for producing search-friendly content.
  2. NITTY GRITTY: Look over the blog posts in the “Thought Leadership” section of B2B Bliss for tactics to produce relevant content for a B2B audience.


Is your firm a candidate for a search engine ranking readjustment?


Image courtesy of Mashable and Web Trends


To reach Lisa:

Twitter: @lisakarel
LinkedIn: Lisa Karel